Thursday, January 21, 2016

How much is too much - photos and privacy

This is all over my head now. Been speaking to many since my last post or actually from a recently issue. And this isn't the first time, I have been is this situation, it’s been a couple times. Moreover, I don't wanna stand in this place again. So thinking about it deeply. Wanna learn this lesson more rightly and not mess up things again. 

Thinking about it, this incident crossed my mind - My friends put a pic of me years back. I untagged myself. Told to remove / but they didn't. Then I just enjoyed the comments!!! 
Does this include in my privacy then?! 

The first couple of friends I spoke to did support my view. We thought it was ridiculous to be called privacy. Then I told Balu about it, and his viewpoint made me think harder leading to another blog. Ya I agree I am bit jobless currently and the little things around are getting a little more than the required attention. But it is a privacy issue and I want to get it cleared out. 

So Balu was against me. He asked me if it was okay if people clicked pictures of my car?! 

So again how much is too much?! 

The first time my uncle asked me to limit pics of the lab on fb. It was private stuff. I realized n quickly pulled them down.

A second time it was my friend. She wasn’t smiling / didn't like her pic. But it was the only pic I had. She had untagged herself. N I refused to remove it.

A third time-- I did not tag this lady. N it was a pic not showing any of faces. Instead our hairstyles and sarees. She wanted me to remove it. I was mad. N I cropped her out. N my perfect editing led to an awesome pic.

The fourth time now, a freaking pic of a cake, a party hall of decorations and a blurred out pic of the host. I removed the pic with people in it. But they still insisted to remove the others, which I eventually did, but I didn't get it. Does that hurt privacy too?? 

What is privacy? What things come under private? What do u call - u own it?! A party hall, a cake, a car -- who do these belong to?

Yes they are private and require permission from the owners to be posted on your website or social media. Many times people don't get know where their stuff are shared out there but it's just etiquette to let them know and get their concern before posting them. 

Going further may be in addition to photo credits, we should mention picture concerns approved or something like that ... May sound ridiculous to most of us but some people do have their own concerns and issues.

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