Sunday, January 10, 2016

I accepted my nomination - Liebster Award!

I have been nominated by my best buddy, fellow blogger, Yelp Reviewer, and much more, Janani of Jan's doddles. Tagging her post here, to know more.

Liebster Award Rules:
  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  2. Display the Liebster Award on your blog.
  3. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  4. Answer the 11 questions you were asked.
  5. Nominate 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers for the Award and have them answer 11 questions.
  6. Let the other bloggers know you’ve nominated them.
  7. Copy the rules into your post.

11 random facts about myself:

  1. I have been to 6 countries before I was 7 years old, and I remember nothing of it.
  2. I skipped my second grade due to my age while moving from US to India at 7.5 years.
  3. I struggle speaking in my mother tongue (Telugu) and started speaking in my hometown language (Tamil) only when I reached high school, coz I am very shy and scared to make flaws.
  4. I love talking to myself aloud when I am alone.
  5. I can’t swallow a pill.
  6. I was born in New Zealand on an Indian National Day and my wedding was in India on a New Zealand National Day.
  7. I have switch 4 schools from Kindergarten to High school.
  8. I don’t enjoy American sitcoms.
  9. I am an Aquarian and I make friends easily.
  10. My name is as unique as I am! ;) My dad made it up! If I wasn’t named Akilya, I’d probably be named ‘Janani’! Ah! According to the Horoscopes seems I should have been named with letter J. Well my parents chucked the horoscopes for naming me!
  11. My ideas and interests are evolving and changing drastically even today as I turn 26 soon!

11 questions answered

  1. If you could move to any part of the world right now, where would you go and why? Singapore probably! Coz the only con I have of being in USA is the distance to travel to India. So If I am in Singapore, I’d still be in a developed country, with the same lifestyle and traveling to India will be economically friendly.
  2. What’s your favourite season of the year? And why? Spring! Not too chilly nor too hot.
  3. Which three novels would you recommend to everybody you meet because you couldn’t put them down? I don’t read novels.
  4. What is your favourite way to recover from a long and bad day? Favorite way? The best way I would recover from such a day would be by putting myself to sleep, rather than overthinking the situation.
  5. Coffe, tea or…? Till school days it was Boost (a chocolate drink). Now I don’t have anything on a regular basis.
  6. Name one thing you taught yourself to do. I am still teaching myself to let go the people who are not in my life anymore- best buddies
  7. What’s the one thing on your bucket list that you absolutely have to do? No such thing. I am neither persistent nor patient. Just take life easy as it comes.
  8. Is there a teacher who taught you something that still sticks with you even now? If so, who’s the teacher and what was the lesson? My English teacher, Mrs. Veena Kannan once said treat all the non-living things well, as they have lives. I still secretly follow that.
  9. If someone made a movie about you and your life, what genre would it be and why? A mixed genre – Emotional + Adventurous, I guess. With a strict childhood, and adulthood appeared to be always on the go, socially crazy happy online!
  10. Is there something you love to do, although most people dislike it? Being over active on Facebook! I consider people who dislike it, to be jealous! Ha Ha!
  11. What do you see in front of you right now? Darkness – It’s time to turn on the light!

My Nominees:

  1. Ramblings only / SK
  2. Sruti’s BookBlog / Sruti
  3. Expressions / Shachi
  4. Me, Myself and my blog / Vidya
  5. Bookmarks for the mind / Jaikanth
  6. Heart speak / Sobana
  7. Crazy Person Things / Ishita
  8. Coconut Chutney

To the nominees: Congratulations! I hope you accept the award and write a post. I do understand if this award or the content does not relate to your blog or if you simply would not like to accept it. I would highly appreciate if you acknowledge this post even if you do not accept it :) Thanks & happy blogging! Please find your questions below.

My 11 questions to you

  1. How would you love a typical day to be?
  2. Do you get angry? If so, how do you handle it?
  3. Imagine a day without a clock- your thoughts?
  4. Top 2 expectations from a vacation? Be it a weekend or 10 days!
  5. Name one thing you taught yourself to do.
  6. Any idea what to do with the numerous pictures we click on our phones?
  7. Is there something you love to do, although most people dislike it?
  8. If you could move to any part of the world right now, where would you go and why?
  9. Are you a morning or an evening person?
  10. Your thought on cooking daily. How do you deal with it? Cook daily or eat out?
  11. Sweet tooth or spicy hot?

Thank you for reading this long post. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed typing it out. Happy New Year! 

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