Day one- Two meetings with small team and bigger team members. Training begun. Met 2 friends from other departments.
Day two- Boss took me and the team out for lunch. We went to a Thai restaurant. Welcoming me to their team. A meeting with the CEO. And after his talk, as I stood in the lobby, he came around and greeted everyone. Handshake with CEO of my company.
Day three- Three meetings. Job assigned. Trainings going on in parallel.
Great things about life-
1. Commute to work is unusually far, but no traffic. Happy driving.
2. I go early and get back early. Plan walks and meet ups with friends/ neighbors for an hour or so.
3. Days are getting longer. Weather is getting great.
4. Having lunch with new friends at work and walks after lunch before we get back to work.
5. Trying different varieties for food- he cooks, or we buy out- trying new restaurants, looking out for homemade food.
Life is rocking.
Congratulations..Good for you!