Before being a mom
I hated when mom's keep talking about their kid. I would have nothing to say about it. I didn't relate to their situation.
And there was this one mom who spoke to me about her kids poop. Ekkkssss. Oh I was pregnant by then, but still I didn't relate to it.
Being pregnant
I still had the same mindset about mom's who always talk about their kids- especially complaining about them.
Being a mom
I will definitely not annoy anyone with my babies stories.
Nor spam fb with the pictures of her.
Now I am interested in kids stories - read plenty of forums and comments/ posts on mom groups on how to avoid and overcome those annoying cribbing moments. No point just complaining. I am on a hunt of a good parenting style that favors my family, especially me. Letting me enjoy as well.
E.g. She sleeps in a noisy place during the day- so I could watch movies and my mom can cook- the kitchen is the noisiest unavoidable place and then the vacuum cleaning makes much more. So a silent place for her to sleep would make it tough to do our daily chores and also she did be a very light sleeper.
These are extra supporting points but the main thing is I get to watch movies and overlook her at the same place. (Convenience)
The advice part
From the day you are expecting, there tags along a never-ending bunch of advices, tips and suggestions.
It's 50:50! Useful ones and useless ones. From day one, I heard all the things that people had to say- simultaneously filtering them to my needs and situation. If it did work for me, I take or else throw it- one ear to the other. Out it goes.
Those advices that pour in more than once from the same person are sometimes annoying. When I am not gonna follow and they keep insisting. But I just friendly nod my head off - saying fine okay! But they don't self realize.
I always find myself in those places when I'm in search of good advice. When needed I will ask. Instead of those days when they just pour in - Free advice - totally unrelated!
Filtering them to match your situation is the best way to deal with them.
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