- Made a lot of new friends in the neighborhood
- Vegas trip - honeymoon 2 trip
- Got a job
- Got pregnant
- In laws came over- 4 months I didn't step into kitchen
- California trip - family
- Seattle - roamed around a couple places
- Baby shower / gender reveal party
- Moni Ramya n family were here as a part of traditional baby shower event
- Vancouver trip - parents
- San juan islands - cabin n friends
- Was called for an interview for FT position in my 8th month pregnancy
- Tvisha - added member to our family
- Mom and sis here again
Saturday, December 31, 2016
2016- best year so far
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Airbnb Experiences
I had a chance to view a couple of Airbnb accommodation homes/ rooms.
First 2 were to find a place locally for parents to stay over. But they didn't stay over. One wasn't good. Second we didn't book in time.
- Worst location- hard to find. House - a mess, cluttered space. Host - friendly and tried best to help. But location and house were unwelcoming and unpleasant.
- An individual home. Good location, parking available, shared bathroom. The host was friendly too. Gave personal numbers to talk out of Airbnb site. Note: Airbnb doesn't allow to share phone numbers before booking.
3 and 4 -- booked online for staying in Vancouver. Didn't see place before. Randomly booked for cheap ones in the location.
3. Wonderful apartment. In the heart of downtown. Beautiful views from both hall and room. 3 bedroom apartment and 1 shared bathroom. Pantry and kitchen fully furnished with cutlery and food- breakfast items- cookies, cereal, milk, eggs, granola bars, bread, Nutella, peanut butter, etc. Good lighting in apartment. Tv didn't work. Wifi great. No easy or free parking though. Basement parking not for Airbnb folks. Wish they could provide a visitors pass to park. Oh yes, getting the keys was like a maze or treasure hunt game. The host was responsive, communicated well via Airbnb chat.
4. Bad experience. Bad location. Host had dog. Not cleaned and ready to check in. Messy and cluttered apartment. He said he couldn't accommodate 3 guests. We canceled it. And lost the money too. Didn't refund.
So pictures on Airbnb can be very misleading. All my experiences had some drawbacks. Number 2 sounded good but you never know till you stay. Number 4 sounds exciting too- but parking was a pain. Our car got towed away.
The keys story I definitely should talk about- so first we headed to a 7-eleven near the apartment- looked around the shop- the guy there asked if I was looking for the key cafe. I nodded yes. And he pointed towards a wall that had 4 black boxes. And 2 key pads with touch screens. I followed the instructions on the screen. Had to look on my email for an access code. Was chatting in parallel with the host asking doubts. Took some time to find the email and access code. Then one of those tiny black boxes opened up. I took the keys from inside it. And followed instructions to finish the process. It makes sure we close the box well.
From the 7-11, we drove to the apartment. The host just said 8th floor. I had a bunch of keys in hand with labels - front key, room key, etc. and then a fob ( a button like automatic key) that you can scan before a box at different locations. The box recognizes the fob, with a flashing tiny green dot light.
So I reached the apartment building. Fob works at the building door. Then in the elevator before I could press 8. Then there were 6- 8 apartments at the eighth floor. I messaged the host for the apartment number at that point standing there. Then in a couple minute I got the number. Quickly looked in the apartment and room. That day they had updated a new room key which was hanging in the door knob. I took that new key and hung to the key bunch.
Then went down to get parents and before that park the car. The fob even worked to open the car garage at the basement and at another point to reach the door to the elevator.
On the return of keys. I had to do the same. Go to the 7-11, go to the key cafe- slide in the key cafe fob, a blue button like thing. Then again enter the access code for a box to open, placed the keys and closed the box.
A treasure hunt game right? Don't you agree?
Monday, July 25, 2016
The untold dress code
Does an outfit define you? The typical Indian stereotypes define an untold dress code. Isn't it enough if I dressed appropriately for a location/ event. And most importantly to my comfort. Rather than dressing for the stereotyped Indians.
There's this untold dress code for a woman- to define if she is one's daughter, daughter in law, mom, wife, grandma!
Here I have two incidents when ladies asked my mil "is she your daughter?" If you think it was a casual way of asking how I was related, you are just partly right! The real reason is "how could she be in shorts before her mil?!"
So do you see anything wrong in that? Do I need to wear a mask when she visits us? Act in the manner the stereotypes define the untold dress code? <puzzled>
Coming to the incident --
1. My neighbors mom met us - me and my mil - and there the trick question was asked. Once we clarified her doubt. She added "oh, you look alike!"
2. A stranger lady, visiting her daughter and grand kid, bored in the states, stopped by seeing my mil. The lady pre assumed and started her conversation in Telugu. And then clarified if my mil was Telugu and her whereabouts. She conversed so much standing there. And then my mil offered her to sit by the side of the road where we all were sitting after a short walk a Sunday evening. She continued to talk, no pauses. My fil, hubby and me were bored. 30 mins later we (me and B) got up saying we will start home. She said she will start back in a while.
Later, more parents joined the short wall (kutty sevaru) to spend their evening chit chatting (read as gossiping). Then my mil somehow escaped from the talk and got back home with fil. Oh yes, the lady did ask not just the trick question, she directly asked "oh! How comes she is dressing like that?"
Guess she directly jumped out a tv serial drama! Unbelievable Stereotypes !
Friday, July 22, 2016
Why do I blog?
Yesterday one friend asked me this. I quickly said "I think a lot , and it's a place to pen them down", took some pauses and continued saying "some memories", "place to save/share a couple of those 1000s of pictures" !!
And then I continued to think about it as I laid in bed. I got another topic to write about! Ha ha!
So why do I blog?
It's my emotion! A couple years back I realized I am more powerful and can communicate better writing than talking!
The writer in me! Blogger! I love myself!
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Gossipers - the losers forever!
I am awesome ! Live my life carefree! Happily! Least bothered about what others think! But now and again I hear this " she spoke bad about you" (read as "she is bitching about me"). What's the need?! Why are people obsessed of others lives- especially their personal stuff. What the hell ?! Mind your own business! It's freaking my wish! You have an opinion, a random thought, a difference in taste.. Okay.. I'd respect that. I know your a different individual. We can be friends. It doesn't matter.
I really pity those folks- as though one doesn't have enough problems in their own life. The social world just pictures the good before your eyes. Everyone knows life isn't a smooth journey. Everyone has their share of bitter moments. Open your eyes.
There's always a couple of weird people around. I wonder what they earn bitching about their friends. Act like friends before them and run stories behind. Spreading tons of rumors. Just because you think they are better off than you.. (Read "jealously").
Every person would just stick around once .. Once they know the truth.. Who would be there for you?
Monday, April 11, 2016
Hubby's birthday surprises
His first birthday post wedding. I wasn't with him. Just left for a training a couple days before. So I planned a surprise! He still calls it the best one. It was a well planned out surprise. I set out "x" number of gifts and notes along with them tracing to the next for his "x" years old birthday! Well yes! It was a treasure hunt! I called him up on his birthday and after I wished him.. Sent him to the pooja room and asked him to ask God for his gift. Lol! Of course you don't get it right? Obviously he too didn't get it! So ya told him check behind the God frame. And from there he took an hour around the house to find all the gifts. Some in the car too.
Last year I travelled New York! Gifts were simple that time. A couple of gift cards.
I made his believe there was no gift! And then this happened.
Surprised! And then this happened...
I just packed gift boxes inside gift boxes inside gift boxes. And filled with water bottles and nutribars for weight. Gifts was money checks. Haha.
He wants more surprises next year too. I am starting to plan bigger and better for next year! Stay tuned!
Monday, April 4, 2016
India away from India
India is a developing country. I live in a city in USA that it the developed version of India. I call it "little India". Any town that is full of Indians and gives the feeling you are living India, I name that "little India".
Here I am, in little India. Never have I been in such a city- there's nothing (no thing) I can miss from being in India.
Wanna know how Indian this place is?
1. The row of apartments in my street are filled with Indians. I know 15 families personally in my apartment complex. (just been here for 4 months now)
2. There's 4+ Indian grocery stores in less than 2 miles.
3. There's plenty of Indian restaurants and chaat places so close by.
4. There's so many Indian communities divided by languages. And more than one for each language.
5. Plenty of temples. Again these are divided by languages too.
6. There's clothes shops selling Indian wear.
7. Kids are learning Bharatnatiyam dance, Carnatic music, karate and chess.
8. One can find people for stitching Indian clothes and for alternations.
9. Food! Home cooked food. No kidding! People are selling home cooked food.
10. Indians selling jewelry and home decor stuff.
11. Indian event planners and photographers for all occasions!
12. Indian folks for baby sitting.
13. There's language classes with exams being conducted.
14. Indian beauty parlors and specialists for bridal make up.
15. Indian movies are screened in theatres here. And you get Indian snacks at the theatre.
16. Festivals are celebrated here. Holi and diwali for example.
17. Indians baking customized cakes. Especially eggless options available.
18. There's a desi radio station.
19. Enter Walmart or Costco and don't be surprised to find desi ghee, kulfi, rotis, parathas, ready to eat Indian curries.
20. There's 4+ Indian groups of fb, so active with everyday businesses blooming and doubts/ questions asked by newbies in the city to the local Indian population.
New to the states? You surely don't wanna live here. But gonna settle here? I guess it's a great place! I won't miss India as much anymore. How many of you are jealous of me? And how many of you think it's the worst place to be?
Comments welcome!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
My exciting Life - I won a new job
Yes, you got it right. I won a job! Had a phone interview with the Manager. Then followed a face-to-face interview with Manager plus 2 from the team. I was super confident after the interview. 3 days later got a call with the offer. Hooray! Here I am on my third day at work.
Day one- Two meetings with small team and bigger team members. Training begun. Met 2 friends from other departments.
Day two- Boss took me and the team out for lunch. We went to a Thai restaurant. Welcoming me to their team. A meeting with the CEO. And after his talk, as I stood in the lobby, he came around and greeted everyone. Handshake with CEO of my company.
Day three- Three meetings. Job assigned. Trainings going on in parallel.
Great things about life-
1. Commute to work is unusually far, but no traffic. Happy driving.
2. I go early and get back early. Plan walks and meet ups with friends/ neighbors for an hour or so.
3. Days are getting longer. Weather is getting great.
4. Having lunch with new friends at work and walks after lunch before we get back to work.
5. Trying different varieties for food- he cooks, or we buy out- trying new restaurants, looking out for homemade food.
Life is rocking.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
A happening neighborhood
Today I invited friends in the community over for baking a choco vanilla cake together! All the kids were excited.
It was a nice gathering - catching up once in a while is so much fun. And every time we have new friends joining in and making our big group closer!
As we ladies chit chatted, cracked jokes and were enjoying our time, the kids were well occupied with my adult coloring book and coloring tools. All gals!
With every get together, we start planning for the next. And so is the next one all set. Potluck at a friends place. And it's full attendance! All in! Stay tuned for stories. Make your neighborhood exciting too.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Talking to the walls
Last night, back from an evening with my girlfriends, my hubby was sleeping when I entered in. I called him twice. No response. Then minutes later I came to bed. Then he asked when did you come back and what all did you do? I said just now and the whole story-ladies night out!
This morning again he came to me and asked the same question. I was like I have already told you and you asked last night.
Guess what, he doesn't remember anything from last night in his sleep?! Wow! Ya I told the story again! Lol.
This isn't the first time. Usually he is awake and asks me random stuff. And the same day or another day he would ask the same thing.
Men simply don't listen! It's equal to talking to the walls!
Guys- what do u expect? How should we talk such that you d listen and respond?
Gals- Any solutions?
Note: I don't wanna explain things so Crystal clear to the walls around me!
Ladies night out
It's just my third time meeting these girls. They a bunch of fun loving folks. We planned for bowling and then dinner. But the real story is never what we plan. It's always the spontaneous plan that works. So we all gathered, started as planned in 2 cars. 6 of us. The 7th one joined us directly for dinner. Actually right in time after all the chaos. So we 6 first reached the bowling alley. Strangely they don't accept reservations. As we reached there, we realized it was full and the wait list way too long. Didn't look like we would get a lane. So we chit chatted for a while. And then left for dinner- inchin's bamboo garden. A indo Chinese restaurant.
And some pictures:

Then we went back to the bowling alley hoping we would get a lane. But no luck this time too. As usually got stuck there standing and chit chatting. Later planned to sit and continue. We spent some good time together laughing and giggling and finally got home late.
Really a great evening !! Hoping to meet more often and regularly.
Friday, February 5, 2016
My sleep cycle - A big complain on me
A biggest complain on me is my sleep cycle
I just can't sleep early and wake early. Oh ya if I have to, I wake up though. But sleeping, it's always the same. So tough to go to bed by 10. I hit the bed by 12. And it takes me 1 - 2 am to fall asleep. One reason being no physical activity all day plus over sleeping during the day. And excessive sleeping is due to boredom. Yes, when I start working my day will be fine.
But nights? I doubt it. I studied 4 years engineering and during that time I used to wake up by 530 and catch my bus by 630am. I still remember those days I caught the bus on time. And maintained a 95% attendance. And if missed my bus, it would be a pain to reach college- walk, public bus, another public bus, walk. Uffff... Tired. That too in the place I studied - the heat and humidity way too much. So did I sleep on time? No way- it's my active time, the time I study, do my assignments! I love that hour, the darkness. Lol. I would go to bed not before 12. Weekends I did sleep longer though. Wake up at 10. That was the max that was allowed at home, else the fan would go off. My mom 'd be screaming. Breakfast would be getting cold.
I believe in hibernation since then. Sleep when I can and if I can't, that's fine. I am not sleepy during days! Perfectly fine! Nights are when I usually write my blogs. I can't study in the morning, it's not my best time.
That's me - A night owl
I am not claiming if this right or wrong or good or bad. But it's something I am struggling to change. And so far I don't have any problems about- still young and healthy!
Hope I am so in the future too.
Can a night owl change completely to a morning person?
Thursday, February 4, 2016
My 10 cents - quick tit bits for new couples
My 10 cents - Advice - quick tit bits for new couples (be it married or not)
Life lessons learnt over the years --
No one put the words together
Experiences in the long way brought them together
1. Over-possessive over your partner and they are at the moment not equally the same? -- get a distraction, a hobby for yourself.
2. Fighting a lot? No solutions as yet? -- take a break, go silent for a while.
3. When is the right time to get married? -- When you and your partner are financially stable, When you have a steady income, experience needed to easily find another, When you can support each other in times of need and When you have a decent saving/balance to live in times of crisis.
(Age doesn't matter)
(Age doesn't matter)
4. Is sorry's and thank you's necessary?
Yes if you take each other for granted and disrespect each other.
If not, then it's not required.
5. How to segregate your time? -- professional space, personal space and family time
Then social time - friends n extended family
6. Your partner is testing your patience? -- I recently started this -- counting numbers ... That way I remember what I was talking n he replies too .. there's a gap of 30 seconds ... Gets on my nerves! Errr...
7. A good habit -- save the good days n events -- write them down
Will make you happy , when u look back to the memories of your wedding life .. Thou the present doesn't look that great .. On a rare bad day!
8. Expectations and disappointments are quite natural -- can't avoid -- so better express them more often and get them to realistic ones
9. Marriage is partnership! Justify it with all your daily chores!
10. Dating and living together in a marriage are two different things. Both of you may change. No one to blame. So talk important things well ahead- financials, kids, dreams, goals!!
I wish you live a honeymoon life all along!!
Realizing my honeymoon phase is all over! It's my second anniversary! Trying to hit the Refresh button every now and then, when we run off track! Life is rocking!!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Work-Life Balance
How does it look for you? How do you wish it to be and how
is it actually?
The balance has always been the way I would love it to be
for me. It’s always my colleagues that become friends and after work we hang
out together. Plan our evenings and weekends. I miss those days.
Enough is said about movie nighters. Before that it was 2
young ladies. We used to meet up during lunch at work and then after work
hours. I never went straight home, we always had other plans. And of course
most of the time you could find me at their place. They were roomies. You‘d
mistake me too to be their roomie, Coz most of the time I‘d be there. We wished
I could stay along with them too but their third roomie didn’t entertain that.
Ha ha.
Next I look forward to a new job and good friends too. Hope
I am lucky this time too.
Music to me!
I love listening to songs and music. I can listen to them all day. It’s more of a background music to me as I am browsing other stuff and working on other things. I rarely listen to the words and the meaning. For me, music has helped me--
- In writing records while in school and college- I always felt I wrote faster when listening to faster beat songs and wrote slower while listening to melodious songs.
- It lets me concentrate while I am studying for exams- Yes you heard that right. If the music wasn’t running in the background, I would have 1000s of distractions in compare to just one distraction of music. I actually do read well with this running on background in low volume.
- It calms me down while stressed or nervous- good music to the ears is always pleasant.
How is music to you? Share your thoughts.
How to turn your boring life to an exciting one?
You know I am actually bored. Having no clue what to do. I am looking for a job, but meanwhile, the journey to pass each day is a struggle. There’s nothing exciting to wake up in the morning and nothing to do during the day. So how on earth would you expect me to even fall asleep at nights when all I do is sit idle all day?
However beautiful a city is, what matters more is your friends. A bunch of friends- likeminded in nature is at most important. And that’s what I am missing now. Leaving back all my friends in Chicago and around, my hubby and I moved here- Seattle! I know no one here. I did make friends around but no one is as jobless as I am. They may be equally bored but no one’s cribbing like me for excitement.
Looking for hobbies around- everything seems expensive. As in even those I would get bored of soon. And it’d be waste of the money. As of now, blogging is my only free hobby. I need things to do that would spend time rather than money.
Guess the only thing possible is to keep making bucket lists. So then there would be a list of random stuff to do. The next time I am out of job- I sure should have a plan ready. Ha-ha. No more cribbing. LOL.
Comment below/ message me/ call me- and we can have a discussion on it. A random bucket list of things to do when you utter the word- “BORED”.
Blogging after a week…
Hi Friends! Had a good birthday week, a kind of packed
birthday week. A lot of events each day. Of course I had to finish 26 things in
5 days. So it did take a turn on me. Along with them I also put up with time to
blog in and maintained posting a blog every day.
Soon after the busy week, I wrote a couple of blogs. Ah I
should say I started a couple of blogs, couldn’t finish any of them, my
thoughts didn’t quite flow through. Somewhere in the process they got stuck each
time I started a fresh random topic. Then I closed the word document. And said
to myself, skip one day, its fine. Then 2 days, then it was 3, and now a whole
My last week, had been a bit held up with jobs and
interviews. That could too add on as an excuse to writing. Today- was a good
day after long. I had left over food and so didn’t have much cooking to do.
Also all my friends had been watching this movie – Kung Fu Panda 3. My hubby
wasn’t interested in a cartoon movie. LOL. Oh ya, and do you remember my
birthday plan list- had some leftover ideas.
Yup, watch a movie by myself. I got myself ready, and headed
to the theater. I didn’t plan or check the timings. Just randomly walked out.
Reached the theater counter, asked for the next show timing- it was in 10
minutes. Quickly got a ticket. And headed over to the theater. A good theatre
it was. Good seats. Empty one as usual- odd timing you know. 20 minutes full of
advertisements. Then put on the 3D glasses and it was a good show.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
26 Gifts, 26 years, 26th Jan - My Bday Week
Celebrating my ME time King size! An attempt to promote personal time - Love yourself first! Treat yourself awesome! You deserve it!
My last post was a bucket list of random things I wished to do over a week. Here are the list of gifts I actually gifted myself.
Day 1 - 22nd Jan
1. A relaxing long tub bath – with bath salts and candles. A spontaneous one. Didn't really shop much for it. Went on with what ever I found at home.
2.Hairdo – straighten and/or curls! Straightening my hair took an hour. Loved the output. Curls tried another day, it didn't quite work out. So skipped it.
3. Balu's office party - dressed up and enjoyed
4. Temporary tattoo at the office party
Day 2 - 23rd Jan
9. Ice cream at Cold stone
Day 3 - 24th Jan
10. Went for a spontaneous mid night drive- one afternoon I took a nap, and so that night was quite struggling to put myself to sleep. Got up, looked around, felt a little hungry, toasted bread and spread jam, ate them. Then a spontaneous idea to go on a short drive around. Ha-ha.
11. Couple Massage at a spa- it was a new experience for both of us. Super relaxing one hour of full body massage.
12. Went to Falls with Balu
14. A relaxing long tub bath – with bath salts, music, candles, and hot chocolate chai ;) Loved this one. More planned out.
Day 4 - 25th Jan
17. Wrote a love letter for Balu
18. Cake – upside down pineapple cake. Turned out just perfect. I couldn't wait for 12, just got the cake baked right in time when Balu was back from work. Asked him to sing for me. Lol. And I cut my cake and we both fed each other as we sat at the dining table.
Day 5 - 26th Jan
21. Bath (unexpected gift turned out to be the most favorite) It's super relaxing- if you find some time and have a tub. I recommend it. Loved it the most. Had this set up every alternative day, that's 3 of the 5 days! I look forward to frequently enjoying a tub bath.
22. Draped in a new Sari
23. A little photo session and chit chat with friends
24. Visited the temple
25. Had Mango lassi
26. Went out for dinner with Balu - Anjappar
Things I skipped this time-
1. An entire day off Facebook/ all social media - tough during my birthday with friends and family wishing over various time zones.
2. Mastering the art of taking selfies (Should try more)
3. Buying and potting a plant (Not the right season)
4. Dancing - LOL
5. No great movie running in theaters (to watch alone)
6. Nails treatment - Nothing special about it, I do them quite regularly, skipped it this time.
Enjoyed my birthday this year!
Monday, January 25, 2016
Places to visit / things to do -
Grand Canyon has 2 rims – North and South rim. And sadly they aren’t connected directly through the park. Its 3.5 hours apart. North rim is a small stretch. The South rim is the more visited attraction. And the Lowell Observatory is 1.5 hours away from the south rim. It’s a stargazing observatory/ People camp over there as they enjoy the view- lying beneath the amazing Milky Way Galaxy!
- Grand Canyon – Dramatic views, rafting and hiking http://www.lonelyplanet.com/usa/grand-canyon-national-park
- Lowell Observatory – storied facility with tours and Star gazing https://lowell.edu/
Grand Canyon has 2 rims – North and South rim. And sadly they aren’t connected directly through the park. Its 3.5 hours apart. North rim is a small stretch. The South rim is the more visited attraction. And the Lowell Observatory is 1.5 hours away from the south rim. It’s a stargazing observatory/ People camp over there as they enjoy the view- lying beneath the amazing Milky Way Galaxy!
Sunday, January 24, 2016
26 gifts, 26 years, 26th Jan! - The plan
26 lovely things I plan to gift myself for my 26th birthday! Read on to know how I pamper myself! :D I love myself the most! Celebrating my ME time King size!
These were my ideas to spend my birthday week. I started from Friday and am gonna go on with it till Tuesday! So this is just a tentative plan/ a birthday bucket list. The plan made a week back. Idea given by a friend. Stay tuned for the real story!
1. Massage at the spa
2. Dance to a some music – record it if possible
3. Cake – upside down pineapple cake
4. Jamuns
5. An entire day off Facebook/ all social media
6. A relaxing long bath – with bath salts, rose petals and candles
7. Hairdo – straighten and/or curls!
8. Make my favorite breakfast - french crepes
9. Visit the temple - Drape a sari
10. Do a homemade facial
11. Manicure and Pedicure at home
12. nail art – choose the colors and buy if necessary
13. short drive to the Falls
14. Stop by the plant nursery
15. Buy/add a new toy for my car
16. Plant a pot of herbs in my balcony
17. Have Chai watching the rain pouring
18. Watch a movie alone (never done this before)
19. Make my favorite dinner – Pasta, sandwich and/ or soup
20. Write a love letter to Balu (been a while)
21. This blog –the plan and the real one!
22. Master Selfie taking (not a fan of it- but would like to give it a try)
23. Challenge myself to call and speak to a random friend without mentioning it’s my birthday! ;)
24. Balu's office party - dress up
25. Call friends over for tea and cake! And a little chit chat!
26. Update pictures on the fireplace.
A couple have changed/ switched to more exciting stuff. I still have 2 more days of celebration!
Ofcourse not gonna stop celebrating life! I will still continue enjoying my ME time once in a while! Share how you did like spend your ME time.
These were my ideas to spend my birthday week. I started from Friday and am gonna go on with it till Tuesday! So this is just a tentative plan/ a birthday bucket list. The plan made a week back. Idea given by a friend. Stay tuned for the real story!
1. Massage at the spa
2. Dance to a some music – record it if possible
3. Cake – upside down pineapple cake
4. Jamuns
5. An entire day off Facebook/ all social media
6. A relaxing long bath – with bath salts, rose petals and candles
7. Hairdo – straighten and/or curls!
8. Make my favorite breakfast - french crepes
9. Visit the temple - Drape a sari
10. Do a homemade facial
11. Manicure and Pedicure at home
12. nail art – choose the colors and buy if necessary
13. short drive to the Falls
14. Stop by the plant nursery
15. Buy/add a new toy for my car
16. Plant a pot of herbs in my balcony
17. Have Chai watching the rain pouring
18. Watch a movie alone (never done this before)
19. Make my favorite dinner – Pasta, sandwich and/ or soup
20. Write a love letter to Balu (been a while)
21. This blog –the plan and the real one!
22. Master Selfie taking (not a fan of it- but would like to give it a try)
23. Challenge myself to call and speak to a random friend without mentioning it’s my birthday! ;)
24. Balu's office party - dress up
25. Call friends over for tea and cake! And a little chit chat!
26. Update pictures on the fireplace.
A couple have changed/ switched to more exciting stuff. I still have 2 more days of celebration!
Ofcourse not gonna stop celebrating life! I will still continue enjoying my ME time once in a while! Share how you did like spend your ME time.
Wyoming isn't well heard of, but Yellowstone National Park! It's one of the largest National Parks running across 3 states. But the majority is Wyoming. A beautiful park with active geysers and volcanoes. A must visit place.
Plan 2 to 3 days! Head to the visitors center first, collect maps and information on how to plan your stay, trails to take, overviews to picture.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
How much is too much - photos and privacy
This is all over my head now. Been speaking to many since my last post or actually from a recently issue. And this isn't the first time, I have been is this situation, it’s been a couple times. Moreover, I don't wanna stand in this place again. So thinking about it deeply. Wanna learn this lesson more rightly and not mess up things again.
Thinking about it, this incident crossed my mind - My friends put a pic of me years back. I untagged myself. Told to remove / but they didn't. Then I just enjoyed the comments!!!
Does this include in my privacy then?!
The first couple of friends I spoke to did support my view. We thought it was ridiculous to be called privacy. Then I told Balu about it, and his viewpoint made me think harder leading to another blog. Ya I agree I am bit jobless currently and the little things around are getting a little more than the required attention. But it is a privacy issue and I want to get it cleared out.
So Balu was against me. He asked me if it was okay if people clicked pictures of my car?!
So again how much is too much?!
The first time my uncle asked me to limit pics of the lab on fb. It was private stuff. I realized n quickly pulled them down.
A second time it was my friend. She wasn’t smiling / didn't like her pic. But it was the only pic I had. She had untagged herself. N I refused to remove it.
A third time-- I did not tag this lady. N it was a pic not showing any of faces. Instead our hairstyles and sarees. She wanted me to remove it. I was mad. N I cropped her out. N my perfect editing led to an awesome pic.
The fourth time now, a freaking pic of a cake, a party hall of decorations and a blurred out pic of the host. I removed the pic with people in it. But they still insisted to remove the others, which I eventually did, but I didn't get it. Does that hurt privacy too??
What is privacy? What things come under private? What do u call - u own it?! A party hall, a cake, a car -- who do these belong to?
Yes they are private and require permission from the owners to be posted on your website or social media. Many times people don't get know where their stuff are shared out there but it's just etiquette to let them know and get their concern before posting them.
Going further may be in addition to photo credits, we should mention picture concerns approved or something like that ... May sound ridiculous to most of us but some people do have their own concerns and issues.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
A place for skiing and adventure! And most attractions close to Denver city. At the max 3 hour away.
Places to visit–
Places to visit–
- Cheyenne Mountain Zoo – High altitude zoo with giraffe feeding
- Red Rocks Amphitheatre
- Georgetown loop railroad - picturesque rail tour of mining’s heyday
- Butterfly pavilion
- The Wild Animal Sanctuary
- Hanging Lake
- Pike’s Peak – Mountains, running, hiking, skiing, climbing
- Rocky mountain national park
- Cheyenne Mountain State Park – picnicking, biking, camping
- Royal Gorge – rafting, canyon, river, adventure
- Royal Gorge Bridge – bungee jumping
- Steamboat
- Breckenridge
- Beaver creek
- Telluride
- Aspen Mountain (upscale with 4 mountains)
- Keystone
- Winter park
Facebook updates- How much is too much?
Speaking to my virtual friend -- we realized how our Facebooks suffer from OCD (Obsessive Cleaning Disorder) ! How much importance we give to maintain them just perfect! And how we expect playing an invisibly fair game is on Facebook! You read what's happening in your friend’s lives equally you gotta update your wall and timelines babe! We exactly know who follows us and who spying on us! Watch out!
Here goes a complete Facebook analysis:
There’s no hard and fast rule to use Facebook, but over the years most of us have adapted to this knowingly or unknowingly, read more and you will realize how true it is.
- Update a profile picture in consistent frequency of intervals- like monthly or 3 months once
- Your profile is up to date on basic information
- Cover pictures have some scenery or a group picture
- Your profile security is at its max
- Timeline pictures are best to be one at a time. If more are posted… they don’t get individual likes
- These days’ people hardly create an album… it’s all timeline/ profile pic and cover pic
- We take an extra minute to add that caption – be it a quote or a story of the memory in the picture
- Check in a special place… check in too often or similar places… people get bored
- Follow the trend of hashtags… its catching up great responses
- Add a picture of yourself with a good cam or good editing and effects – a decent number of likes
- Add a picture of you and your spouse or life partner – double the likes
- A picture with friends – only likes from a little more than the common friends
I see Facebook as a place where one portraits how they dream to be, the Reel you! Sharing all your life events, good memories, voicing out your views! It surely is a place where your memories are all stored for yourself!
Yes there’s more than 300 friends – We all look into what’s happening in everyone’s lives, who is following you, who is spying on you and not sharing anything of their lives.
But the truth is… no one remembers where your life is heading… once you have logged out… we are living our real life and have no time to think about the reel world.
I like so many pictures of my friends, but talk about the picture days later, I would blink! Ha ha.
There’s no time to think what others are thinking! Just live your life the way you love it to be! Sure that’s true on Facebook! Best wishes to you all for the same in real!
Facebook is for likes and comments! Not for sympathy and dislikes! But life isn’t always that way! No wonder the virtual world is so beautiful.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Photos and sharing – Call it my frustration or just a viewpoint?!
Type 1: take plenty of pics and post the best ones
Type 2: take plenty of pics and post none
Type 3: hardly take pics and post none
I am type 1- love clicking pics, collecting pics from others at an event and sorting them, editing and collaging, and finally post them. Of course not to forget adding captions and even blogs sometimes!
And I find it difficult to understand these type 2 folks! So what's the point of clicking pictures and not share your memories with others!
Oh ya, both type 2 and type 3, they don't even like others posting their pics... Weird people! Share your thoughts. I just don't get the point. You don't like a certain picture- untag yourself! That's the max you can do! Don't come and tell me to remove it. Isn't that my wish?!
Note: there’s no copy write issues here... Errrr
So my dear friends - I completely hate it when someone tells me what I should do on my Facebook! Remove a pic of u?! U didn't like it?! Well sorry ... If that's so ... Don't pose in the first place. I take pics on a daily basis ... I am looking for ways to share them. I do consider requests made well ahead, but once posted, a last minute demand… wouldn’t encourage it. Thanks.
These thoughts led me to a conversation- Facebook-- How much is too much?
Coming soon!
A birthday party in the neighborhood!
I started this blog, saying today, then yesterday, and now its day before yesterday… Never have I thought so much to write one blog.
So yes, I was invited by my neighbor for her 5 year old daughter’s birthday party. I went up and down 2 to 3 stores, wondering what I should gift a 5 year old kid! All the gift boxes and toys read 3+ and were quiet kidish for kid of 5. Lol. I was running out of time too. So finally picked a 365 fairy tales and rhymes book. I didn’t even find a gift wrapper or ribbons. So just picked some foil from the kitchen and wrapped it and quickly took a marker and wrote the “To” and “From” with the message- Happy Birthday to the birthday girl. At the party speaking with others, I realized I wasn’t alone- almost all had the same doubts! We had no experience in buying gifts of that age! While a friend suggested clothes / dresses. While she added “Girls never are fulfilled with their wardrobe”! How true right?!
It’s my first time going for a kid’s birthday party alone. Everyone in the neighborhood were invited. The party started with a magic show and then was followed by cake cutting and then dinner. Kids were playing all around and adults forming their own groups – chit chatting. A good social gathering. The common complaint being the weather and the season for not meeting up much more often. From this gathering I wonder how much goes into planning a party. And the kids are so involved into the themes of their party. They had an Ice cream cake, Yum! Too good! But they had a hard time cutting it. Ha ha.
And I learnt how smart this kids are, especially the birthday girl. Her mom can no more pick stuff for her. She has her own likes and dislikes. She picks and knows exactly what she wants – from her dress to the cake theme. Kids are your Barbie doll only till one year she says. Then she has her own thoughts. Wow… she is already big enough.
But on the other hand, the birthday girl just really didn’t know much… she did choose her cake, the theme of the posters… but beyond that … cake n dinner… everyone other than her enjoyed them… she doesn’t like sweets much.. That was funny, her mom helped her cut her cake, and took a piece to feed her, and you know what... she quickly pulled away… amidst all the other kids waiting for the cake…Ha ha…
On the whole, it was a good evening to mid-night… Thanks for the invite!
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Places to visit –
- Hershey’s Chocolate World – Chocolate tour – A free 30 minute tour!
- Presque Isle State Park – beaches, lagoons, lighthouses and more
- Sesame place
- Hersheypark
- Dutch Wonderland
- Splash Lagoon (Indoor water park)
Things to do
- Pocono Mountains – rafting, honeymoon, skiing, mountains http://www.poconomountains.com/
Cooking – An everyday habit or an occasional hobby?
My circle of friends and family – Mostly women! They learnt to cook when they had to do it. Soon after their marriage, when they moved into a new place, a new family, when the need was there. My mom, granny, and my aunts – all have the same story. Trial and error, they learnt to cook, every mom passed on their recipe books to their daughters.
My dad and uncles claim they know to cook. As they studied away from home, they learnt the basics. But I haven’t seen them cook on any occasion.
My mom cooks 3 meals a day, plus coffee/ chocolate milk in the evenings. I fascinate about it today. And each meal would consist of 2-3 dishes. My goodness, today I struggle to cook a single dish per day. Call it laziness or convenience.
In today’s world, both women and men from my country equally learn cooking at around the same time – obviously when the need is there. When we are away from home. Be it for work or for studies. When we start living on our own is when we call up our mom to ask her doubts on cooking and actually step into the kitchen. Most of us in that phase develop an interest towards cooking. And there’s always the vast information on any topic on the internet. I google for a recipe and give my on tweaks to it as I make my meal for the day.
I like cooking as a hobby. I love to experiment new recipes. I open my fridge, check what vegetable I have, google in them and say Indian curry or recipe, and surprise there’s a recipe! Different dishes I have tried so far are Banana Payasam, Pineapple Rasam, Bread Halwa, Bread Jamuns, Peanut Curry, Cabbage Vada, Beetroot Chutney, Dosa Pizza, etc.
Now cooking daily… Oh man, I would have just been done with the dishes and in no time the sink would be full again. I would like to eat healthy and cut down on rice, but make those chapathi’s, oh man… they aren’t too easy. It’s an extra work. Rice is much simpler. If I cook a lot and store it for the next day, it isn’t appealing to eat it. And then there’s differences in taste from person to person, if you live with others. Be it your hubby or others in your family. Errr… Cooking daily is a pain.
How do you handle it? Ideas welcome. Please do drop in your thoughts and suggestions.
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