Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016- best year so far

  1. Made a lot of new friends in the neighborhood 
  2. Vegas trip - honeymoon 2 trip 
  3. Got a job 
  4. Got pregnant 
  5. In laws came over- 4 months I didn't step into kitchen 
  6. California trip - family 
  7. Seattle - roamed around a couple places 
  8. Baby shower / gender reveal party 
  9. Moni Ramya n family were here as a part of traditional baby shower event 
  10. Vancouver trip - parents 
  11. San juan islands - cabin n friends 
  12. Was called for an interview for FT position in my 8th month pregnancy 
  13. Tvisha - added member to our family 
  14. Mom and sis here again