Saturday, July 29, 2017

Life of a Girl in India (Chennai)

  1. Step out of the house not well dressed, but well covered. A dupatta or scarf or overcoat. Something to extra cover the breasts. Full pants or leggings, basically full leg covered. No sleeveless. No short tops. Nothing showing your curves. 
  2. Still feel like everyone's looking at you. Walking on the streets feels like someone's following you. 
  3. Don't smile. Have a serous face. If you smile, your sending wrong signs to people on the road. 
  4. Hold your handbag or purse as close and tight as possible. Always having a constant fear of money being stolen. 
  5. Make sure gold jewelry are secured tight and are simple and invisible. You remember all the stories of chain snappers and robbers. 
  6. Getting late. Use the main roads. Not the narrow/ dark roads. Again an insecure feeling. 
  7. Walk looking down. One because you don't wanna step on dirt and the other being you don't want to give wrong signals to strangers on the road. 
  8. Hold on to drinking too much water when out. And avoid peeing when out. Restrooms are the worst maintained. 
  9. Going for shopping? Want to try a dress? The trail room ! You remember those forwards and videos. 
  10. Walking in a crowded place. You have no idea where that bad touch is from. Yeeks...